You have a vision? We have ideas. Ideas are our specialty.
Let's build something together.
Historic Wagner FarmGlenview, IL
Advocate Lutheran General HospitalPark Ridge, IL
Ahoy! Wilmington - The Children's Museum of WilmingtonWilmington, NC
M. Catton & Co. assisted us with creating a home for our dutch street organ and wooden shoe making equipment. Mark was instrumental in helping us craft our vision for the space and how to engage the public in an effective manner to tell the story of the pieces. Working with the team was a benefit that kept us on track, on time and on budget. From working with focus groups to making sure contractors also shared our vision, M. Catton & Co. was the glue that made our project a showcase. Mike Hofman, Stadscentrum, Orange City, Iowa
Need a temporary exhibit? Refresh your museum experience with our
new Modular Adapative Display MADWalls!
Learn about MADWalls
John Wayne Birthplace & MuseumWinterset, IA, IA
Quarry DigSioux Falls, SD
Highlands Museum and Discovery CenterAshland, KY
No two projects are identical That being said, all projects tend to be a variation on a clear-cut, articulable set of processes.
See How We Do It
You have a vision? We have ideas. Ideas are our specialty.
Let's build something together.